These are the lungs modeled for the Spookyface sculpt. I increased the noise variable to create the texture then smoothed it down on the inner sides for the slimy look.
I probably should have used Zspheres for the trachea like I did for the spine but I got there eventually with much dynameshing.
I suppose one of the good things about modeling gargoyles is that it doesn't really have to make sense physically. If the trachea was really made of trachea it would just fall off the spine but because gargoyles are made of stone I can get away with it.
All components together. I think the head is a little big but I can fix that no problem.
I'm happy with the gargoyle so far. I think these lungs are the most realistic looking thing I've ever modeled too.
I can feel myself improving in Zbrush quite rapidly.
Intrinsic rewards.
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