Thursday 3 December 2015

3 Week Prototype - Bullet Bounce and reflecting bullets

I have been experimenting with a new mechanic where instead of shooting, the player uses a sword to reflect bullets back at the opponent.

The reason I'm adding bullet bounce to the game is for consistency above all else.
Although it's a new mechanic, it simplifies the rule set overall.

How it works:
Bullets have ranks: Yellow, Orange (blue in the diagram), Red
The bullets rank represents whether it can be reflected or not

Yellow bullets can be reflected and become an orange bullet
Orange bullets can be reflected and become a red bullet
Red bullets CANNOT be reflected but they can be dodged

These rules are consistent throughout the whole game
An enemy hit by a red bullet will ALWAYS get hit
But they still give me a lot of freedom when designing enemies

In other words, after being introduced to the 3 bullet types at the start of the game, the player never has to run into more weird attacks later on.

Therefor, the player will never be in a situation where it feels unfair to die because of something they haven't been taught yet.

What I intend to do is to allow the player to shoot at will except when a yellow or orange bullet is in front of them in which case they reflect the bullet instead.

This system allows me to create enemies that:
- Enemies that never reflect bullets and therefor die from any shot

- Always reflect bullets (but not red) and therefor require a shot followed by a reflection to kill

- Always reflect Bullets (not red) as red bullets and only fire orange bullets. This means that a player fired bullet will never hit the enemy. The only way to win would be to reflect an enemy bullet or to hit them with your sword.

- Same as the above except they don't shoot. The only way to attack this enemy would be directly with your sword.

All these enemies still follow the rule that if they are hit by a red bullet they take damage
The player still follows the rule that they can reflect any bullet that isn't red and increase its rank by 1

In order to further explain how this works. I'm going to make a quick prototype for my next post.

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