Monday 7 December 2015

3 Week Prototype - 2 Player Deathmatch Mode

The best version so far

I know it's only been 2 days but 2 player mode has undergone quite a few revisions.
But so far things are looking fantastic.
Whenever I turn on the game for playtesting we normally spend at least an hour because it's just too damn fun to stop.

I've made a fair few subtle tweaks to the movement and collision detection. You have to program all the collisions yourself in GameMaker which can be a real pain when it doesn't work as intended. Especially since movement is so important in this game.

I had to change the bullet bounce slightly to a maximum of 2 bounces because otherwise it would become far to hectic.

GAMEPAD SUPPORT - The game now supports both a single gamepad and keyboard for the different characters OR 2 gamepads, 1 for each player.

The gamepad controls went through a few revisions where initially crouch was the X button and right bumper was shoot.
I made it this way because I figured that it would be difficult to move horizontally when trying to push the joystick down too.
However when testing quickly realized how difficult it is to play with this layout and very regularly was I jumping when I meant to crouch, letting go of the wrong button when trying to uncrouch mid-air etc.

I tried the game where crouch is down on the joystick and against my expectations it actually works quite well.

sounds are back in ^^

There are NEW WALL TYPES in the 2 player version that I'm testing out for the single player version too:

- Grey blocks don't reflect at all.
- Red Blocks kill you instantly.
- Glass Blocks reflect all bullets except for red ones in which case they are destroyed. I think they'll have a lot of potential in the single player version and for use in puzzles potentially.

I made 14 different stage variations to test out 2 player mode. You can switch between them with 'O' and 'P'.

ALSO, the player has a NEW WAY TO KILL THE OPPONENT by landing on their head.
It works very well. In playtesting I found that it caused players to risk getting closer to their opponent and it can be used for map pressure too (threatening the player back).
It's a good mechanic because it can take you by surprise but it can also be countered quite easily by moving to the side and shooting point blank.

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