Friday 4 December 2015

3 Week Prototype - BounceBulletDefender

I've made another version of the game that doesn't really add any mechanics so it isn't directly relevant to the 'full' game but it's potentially an interesting idea for an enemy and as an arcade game it's much better.

I fixed the problem of having to wait for the right height bullet to progress

In this version any reflected bullets earn you points but the player can still not cheat the game by waiting for bullets at the lowest (easiest to reach) heights because any bullets that the player misses deducts 25 points.

The other change I made is to increase the speed after every single reflected bullet

The fire rate in this version gets very high very quickly. It definitely the most fast pace version of the game so far and arguably the most fun.

The short play time of this version makes for a VERY 'one more go' feeling.
And it never feels unfair because it controls well and the goal is simple.

I also made a version like this that uses the 3 tier bullet system again.

It's more difficult because it often puts the player in a situation where they have to make a snap decision of which bullet is better to try and reflect.

The player has to take into account the colour of the bullet as well as the height of the bullet relative to themselves and relative to other bullets which could potentially hit them mid jump.

These 2 versions of the game are very fun but my favorite is the one without the 3 tier bullets. The quick acceleration just feels really good. 

However the 3 tier bullet version has a lot more near misses and quick maneuvers so it certainly feels like a positive step up from the 1-tier bullet version.

Download the 1-tier bullet version HERE 
Download the 3-tier bullet version HERE

It's a small difference but they feel quite different to play

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