Saturday 24 January 2015

Project 02 - Indie Dev Meetup

I didn't want to be intrusive and take pictures of everyone but I met up with 20ish indies in Wetherspoons the other day. I found out about the meetup because when applying for the course and researching Marie-Clare I saw that she was part of the Norwich Indie Developers group on I've been part of the group ever since and this was my first time actually meeting everyone.

Between us there was easily enough people to start an independent game dev team with programmers, 3D and 2D artists, designers, sound guys, marketing etc...

With so little experience relative to everyone there I think it'll be difficult to convince them that I really do know what I'm talking about in regards to design (unless I'm ignorant). I'd like to work back into some of my older games again. I started reworking 'Deep Rising' again yesterday. If I can ever get it to a finished/polished point I'll show it off.
I'll probably release it for free online
I'll release a 'demo' version online and a (fairly cheap) payed version on

It was certainly interesting to meet so many indies nevertheless and I'll have some questions lined up for the next meetup.

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