This 'house on legs' folly has 2 variations. I like the one on the left more. It looks more streamlined whereas the second iteration has too much going on. I do quite like the tree though. Nevertheless, neither the tree nor the legs make sense
from a structural point of view. Especially give how the legs have 'joints' in them. If I was to make this folly, it would certainly need some revisions.
I like it. As I said in the previous post. It's fun modeling lots of kitchen appliances. Visually it's quite strong too. You don't normally see kitchens in this kind of context so it's oddly striking.
pretty cool I guess. I really don't have a lot to say. I think I'll avoid modeling a head again because my gargoyle for the last project was primarily head based.
Obviously the eyes are just stuck on but I'm quite proud of the polycount on this one (although it's just a maquette).
It looks a bit like a friendly Andross or Dr.Kawashima.

I used to love visiting 'The wooden place', which is what I called a forest trail in Southampton full of climbable wooden sculptures like this.
I like the teeth and the asymmetry.
overall through I think it's a little basic looking.
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