Wednesday 26 October 2016

YEAR 3 - BA3a - SpaceNinja current state

This is SpaceNinja in its current alpha state. It's the game I've been working on, on and off for about a year and a half now. The game has gone through a LOT of different iterations and genres. Arcade, Arcade 2 2 player arcade, 2 player brawler, single player platformer, co-op platformer, metroidvania, and finally it's back to being a 2 player brawler but with the artstyle/ theme of the metroidvania.

I should note that the music I'm using in the game is placeholder music from Super Metroid and not music that I made. I use it mostly for keeping a consistent 'feel' to the games theme/ art whilst I'm developing. You can mute it with the 'M' key.

 For my project I'm going to finish off the game to a state where I can release it as a commercial product. I'm going to market the game and test it at meetups with NIGD and at events like NGF and EGX. I'll also develop promotional videos and advertisements for the game.

The game currently has almost all art assets and movement in place and basic scoring that tracks how many deaths each player has. I'm going to work on changing the scoring to allow for more variety in levels as currently the same one is just repeated. Generally I'm happy with where the game is at though. The movement is the result of hundreds of hours of iteration. I might also consider re-adding the 2 block high character to the game since it adds more strategic depth to the game. The only downside is how much more difficult to control it is. I might have to do some testing regarding that...

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