I'll be making some character and model sheets very soon along with environment concepts so I've been researching what these should/might look like.
The Witness, Jonathan Blow - http://the-witness.net/news/2010/02/concept-art/
A birds eye view has been chosen in order to show as much of the area as possible in one image. The general colour palette has been chosen beforehand and has been included, perhaps for other concept artists to refer to or perhaps for modelers to refer to. Nothing is completely black or completely white.
A worms eye perspective has been used here to amplify the height of these steps. There is a noticeable contrast between cold blues and warm yellows causing the image to look very vibrant.
These less detailed concepts have been compiled in to get a comparison for the overall colour schemes and feel for the games environments.
The Binding of Isaac, Edmund Mcmillen - scans from the concept art book included with the 'Unholy Edition' of the game
This early character sheet shows 'Gurdy' at varying levels of detail during various situations. Expression has been used to show the feeling of the character and motion lines have been used to show how the character moves.
The Last of Us - Naughtydog - screenshots from the in game concept art section
An off white background has been used here so the artist can paint highlights into the image. The way Joel and the fireplace break the implied border creates a sense of depth, height and perspective. The piece shows emotion between the characters, showing the state of their relationship to one another.

This environment piece shows the state of the city whereby the game is set. The abandoned cars, ripped flags, and excessive foliage strongly imply that the place has long since been abandoned. The acute lighting angle shows that this image takes place some time during the early morning or early evening.