Saturday 5 November 2016

YEAR 3 - BA3a - SpaceNinja Initial Testing

It's been some time since I've tested the game. The last major round of testing I did was whilst the game was still a single player metroidvania. That's not to say that some of that research can't go into the current game, since it is still essentially the same movement and basic combat. I do need to test the new balancing though, that is that no one approach feels too powerful relative to another. That would be a problem as it would condition the players into a particular optimal play style that would limit the overall diversity of approaches the game gives the players.

The main feedback I got from a round of testing with friends:
1.Players using the controller don't slide on ice
2.When you can just jump on the enemies head it makes the sword feel a little bit useless as a weapon
3.There needs to be an easier way to switch between levels

For the most part people seem to really enjoy the game and it seems to go down well as a 'spectator sport' as the response from observers is positive too.

1. This is just a bug that needs fixing. I've noticed it before but it's actually more difficult to fix than it would seem due to the way I've programed left and right movement with the controller. At some point I might 'standardize' movement so that there are different set speeds to walk, run and sprint/ dash. This would allow me to give the keyboard players the same degree of movement as well as make it easier to fix the 'ice bug'.

2. I think it's very important that the game keeps the ability to jump on the opponents head as a way of dealing damage because it makes height advantage and actual advantage. The struggle of trying to dodge your opponents shots whilst navigating above them whilst gravity is trying to pull you back down is one of the interesting things about the game. It incentivizes moving into close range and getting the 'sneak attack' on your opponent and just generally promotes healthy movement around the stage. That's the reason it kills in 1 hit too (rather that 3 hits); because I want to promote movement and offense as opposed to turtleing/ defense.

I think the reason people feel like they should be able to deal damage with the sword is because it's thematically a weapon but mechanically a shield on cool-down and that causes a disconnect for the players. I think it would be smart at some point to re-design the sword as some kind of magic shield or something so as to more closely fit the theme and function.

3. This is a good point and one that I've neglected to some degree in order to focus on the mechanics. I'll look into implementing some kind of system that allows the player to switch levels after a round or possibly different game types that do their own things with level select (loses picks for example). Before that I need to develop a proper level select though.

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