Monday 19 October 2015

YEAR 2 - BA2a - Undertale

I've been playing Undertale a lot recently and it's been in the back of my mind whilst designing my game.

It's essentially a game about trying to find ways to avoid fighting in situations where killing is the easier option.

Essentially, Twin Miners is about trying to AVOID monsters so that they don't kill you.

I was playing with the idea of being able to KILL monsters as a last resort.

Naturally some people will just try to kill everything they come across and I figured, does it have to be a last resort?

And that's where Twin Miners crosses over with Undertale.

New Narrative:
- Your twin sibling is working on a CURE in their underground research lab for the VIRUS which has turned HUMANS INTO MONSTERS.
- You are the only person who knows of their whereabouts.
- It is your duty to find them and get the cure to turn the monsters back into humans killing/ saving whatever you see fit

Therefor, the player has a choice is whether to play stealthy and save as many monsters as possible
to play aggressive and kill lots of monsters
play somewhere down the middle.

How The Core Gameplay Loop Supports this:
- Explore
- Find gold/ Get gold from kills (?)
- At the end of the level, you can purchase ONE item (gadget for sneaking/ weapon for killing)
- Repeat next level

The game adapts to the amount of kills previously and will throw more/tougher enemies at you accordingly.
i.e. The game can either stay as a spooky stealth game OR it can evolve into an oldschool FPS

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