Wednesday 23 September 2015

YEAR 2 - BA2a - Flow

Flow - The title of our project

I first heard about the term 'flow' whilst reading Jane McGonigal's 'Reality is Broken'.

She says that a philosopher named Csikszentmihalyi defines flow as "the satisfying, exhilarating feeling of creative accomplishment and heightened functioning", by which she explains later on the book as being when the player is on the very edge of their skill level, where both winning and loosing are equally unappealing outcomes.

A game can achieve flow by constantly altering it's difficulty based on the skill of the player.

Short visual feedback loops are what distinguish video-games from other types of games.

Jane mcgonigal and I both believe that work and play are the same thing.

Personally I believe flow to be the distinguishing factor between:
A job - a task for which a person is payed to do with extrinsic rewards (such as money)
A game - a task which is so engaging that the payment is only intrinsic (dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin etc)

(continued in next post)

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